Having spent the last two days doing citylife work - it was time to get back to farmlife. For those of you who wonder what I do here - yesterday was a typical day:
Morning - we walked early and then I went to yoga - which is always good. A visit to Carlyle Assisted Living to see David, Verna and Marks's uncle George. Back home, the real work begins. Decided to make flat bread for tonight in the WFO, found a
recipe, made the dough. While that rested, I helped Mark pick

the last of the white peaches, then, because of the glut we decided to make peach jam. Had to do some research before starting. Mark cut up the peaches, I prepared the canning jars, then cooked the peaches, sugar and lemon, and waited while it became a dark rosy red tinged jam. Filled the jars, boiled them for 10 minutes, set them aside to rest for 12 -24 hours. Fingers crossed it will set. Continued preparations for dinner -finished making the flatbread - and we also tried a new Jamie Oliver recipe in the WFO - world's best chicken caesar salad. And it was. The flat bread wasn't bad either. Jam this morning was good - but slightly runny. Room for improvement next time.
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